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February 25, 2014

3 Easy Steps to Better Search Engine Rankings

Love Channel Letter Sign With Moss in it

3 Easy Steps to Better Search Engine Rankings 85%. That is a recent estimate of the percentage of consumers who now use the internet to get information about local businesses. That includes signage businesses. And on the internet, it is all about keywords – what you type into the search engines. And assuming your sign company focuses on a specific geographic area, there is one set of keywords for which you always need good rankings. It is “yourtown sign. Yourtown, of course, is the name of your city/town/metro/area. And it is an eternal set of search keywords for your sign company. You need to be listed when someone searches on those keywords. The title tag for these keywords was covered in the DSW blog once before. This post takes it two steps further.

What you can do in 10 minutes to improve your organic rankings on those keywords?

Here it is. Place those keywords in 3 different locations on your home page. For example, suppose we have a sign company called Contemporary Graphics located in Sacramento, California. How would this be done on their web site? Here are the steps broken down by location.

Location #1: Put the keywords “Sacramento Sign” in the page title. This is also known as your HTML page title. The HTML title tag looks like this: <title>Sacramento Sign | Contemporary Graphics</title> Make sure the words “yourtown sign” appear. Your company name should also be in this tag, like “Contemporary Graphics” in the tag above.

Location #2: Next, put those words in your meta description tag. That tag looks like this: “<meta name=”description” content=”Sacramento sign company. Contemporary Graphics provides all types of business signage including channel letters and monument signs.”>”

Location #3: Last, place these words in the actual robot readable text on your page. This is simply the visible text a viewer sees on your home page. For example, this could be the main home page paragraph: “Contemporary Graphics is your signage source for all types of signs in Northern California. We are your Sacramento sign company of choice for both illuminated and non-illuminated signage.”

You’ve then taken a step toward higher organic search engine rankings on the critical keywords “Sacramento sign”. This does not mean you will be #1 – but doing this should help you to advance in the rankings.

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