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May 13, 2014

No.6 Secret Ingredient to Sign Business Success

Love Channel Letter Sign With Moss in it

John Lewis, President of Direct Sign Wholesale, has visited successful sign companies during his five-month journey across the West Coast. His goal is to meet with key sign companies to find out their secret ingredient to business success. Lewis has shared his takeaways along the way via the Signage Success Tour blog. Most recently, he writes about Secret Ingredient #6: Key Employees. Lewis provides examples of why hiring key employees are pertinent to business success. He states, “As managers, we have to set aside our egos and highlight our employees’ strengths.” I agree. If you want to attract the best talent, give them a reason to apply, contribute and stay. Research shows that what keeps people happy is not always money – it’s could be the challenging tasks, collaboration, work spaces and random rewards. They all play into creating a friendly, professional and attractive environment, which are significant contributions to a successful company’s culture, visibility and credibility, but more importantly retaining and sustaining key talent.

Direct Sign Wholesale is more than the channel letter signs they sell. They are employers who understand that rewarding their employees is just one of the ways to hiring their key employees. One of my most noted quotes from Lewis, “Great managers understand that a shop tour isn’t complete without introducing me to the people that get it done…. They brag about them as a grandpa brags about his first grandchild.” How do you retain and sustain your key employees?

“Individual performance within a company is what drives success. Restoring the human-side of the business will lead to better and longer-lasting relationships with clients and partners.” ~Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post

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